Boat rental with profesional local skipper, mode catch and release fishing tuna

In the summer, when the thermocline falls to its deepest, pelagic species are those that run along our coasts and cantiles.Atunes, beautiful, bigeye, enlisted, saws are frequent tunidos in our area.
The fishing modalities that we use from boat in the cantabrico are “trolling” and “al lance”, all of them in the superficial part and with artificial lures that simulate fish or cephalopods.
The “spining” or fishing “to the haul” is the one that we try to work to exert less fatigue on the fish and that its later liberation is less traumatic as far as possible.
Whenever we can, we will also take advantage of it, to take data about the fish, approximate weight, length, location of the fishing area … to mark it with a small identifying arrow that will give us more information about the species in the future, when it is caught or recovered the said mark. This project that leads in our coast of the Basque Country the center of marine research AZTI is developed by fishermen from all over the world to have empirical data about the migrations, stocks, biomasses, growth rates of the tunids, a resource exploited by all the countries through which migration passes but studied by few.
The fishing excursions to this modality start in 6 hours with departure from San Sebastian _Donostia with electronic equipment of detection of first row and a pattern of professional fishing advising and teaching that personalizara the exit depending on the level and experience of the participants.