Fish market, the link between the sea and gastronomy

Well-known is the gastronomic culture that the Basque country has and in particular, the area of Gipuzkoa (San Sebastian), pintxos of all types and colors, restaurants both traditional and author, slow food and made with the best gender. All these restaurants, when they speak of marine raw materials, of fresh fish, of quality coming from the sea, speak of the fishing guilds and more concrete in our area, of the brotherhood of fishermen of San Pedro, reference of fish market in the east of the Cantabrico, with a great variety of fish thanks to the different arts developed by its boats.
The major arts such as the purse seine, mainly work with blue fish. Cabbale, anchovy, sardines and tunids in summer are the usual catches of this modality traditionally developed by vessels from all our Cantabrian littoral.
The fixed or minor gears are the basis of our coastal fish, such as sea bass, sea bream, hake, turbot and the appreciated seafood: lobster, lobster or necoras. Developed by boats of smaller size and less extractive volume but with great socioeconomic importance, an artisanal fishery and of low impact since its gears are varied, the rotation of them allows that species and ecosystems do not suffer so much pressure.
Also the fishing of national and international height have a place in the fish market Pasaitarra supplying bottom species in its majority. All meet in the sales that are practiced every day, using the old system of the Dutch auction, to the bottom, where the buyers have to bid to get the most coveted pieces.
From oribay we have worked and collaborated with numerous projects of link between the fishing and catering sectors, encouraging some and others to bet on the local, the new species and the joint marqueting, with great results in gastronomic fairs and at the foot of the bar.
In a few months the association of shipowners will launch a strategic project in the redesigned aircraft carrier or kofradia of san sebastian, in order to value the work and the product of our fishermen, for us and our partners of the estractive fishing sector, a luxury that we can enjoy in our home port of Donostia-San Sebastian.