Mackerel season, cantabric sea 2019

The season of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Cantabrian Sea has always been a breath of fresh air for the inshore fleet and the fish processing companies, after the harsh winters that the Northeast Atlamic offers us, this is the first Pelagic species of pass of the year, very abundant and voracious.
Traditionally, the coastal “berdel” or “Xarda” used to start towards San Jose (19 March) when the traditional hake was no longer able to set the rigs on the cliffs, since this fish entered large cardinals, hindering the fishing of other most valued fund species, such as hake or sea bream.
From oribay we try to recreate a fishing day of traditional mackerel, combining it with the latest technology and materials, very didactic and promoting a sustainable fishing for the species, integrated with the people of the sea and respectful with the marine environment, as we believe that It is the only way to preserve this resource without damaging the tradition.
Photos by of the coastal 2017: Kalaberri from Pasaia and Gure ama martina from Hondarribia.