Thunnus with oribay, pelagic world

The different species of tunids that we have in our waters, allow us to enjoy fishing of all kinds of level with these natural runners. Both at the coastal level and in height, these scombrids make enjoy each bite with the appropriate equipment.
Sierras (sarda sarda), enlisted (Katsuwonus pelamis), bonito (thunnus alalunga), nun or bigeye (thunnus obesusus) zimarron or red tuna (thunnus thynnus) the great variety of this family in our waters allows us fishing throughout the summer and of all kinds of level, thus being able to know their vicissitudes and their common attitudes.
Species all of them migratory, that we try to study to be able to continue enjoying this precious marine resource so punished on the other hand.
From oribay we collaborated with the marking of tunids with the research center AZTY tecnalia in the MESH-Atlantic project, a luxury for us and a great step for the study of these species so punished by industrial fishing.