Live bait for dentex (Dentex dentex) “Coastal fishing technique” san sebastian fishing trips

Fishing from denton to live bait is a modality that takes more and more strength in our sea Cantabrico.Piezas of bearing with much boot, explosive bites and a fight that makes enjoy those who patiently use the hours to txipirones, keep them alive to later use them as bait, this being the most appetizing snack of our predator.
The increase of individuals of this species, has been remarkable throughout these last years in our zone and every time there are more recreational fishermen who are tempted to challenge the intelligence, hardness and constancy that the fishing of this esparido requires, whose main feature would be the four front teeth of his mouth, which give his name, always bigger, stronger and capable of attacking anything with tentacles.
Our Oribay boat makes exits from the port of San Sebastian to this modality from May to September, a technical fishing that will put the most specialized fishermen to the test.
In this case, fishing was carried out by governing the small-scale longliner Donostiarra “Antiguotorrak” to the modality: surface palangrillo with swimmer crab (Patxela)