Well-known is the gastronomic culture that the Basque country has and in particular, the area of Gipuzkoa (San Sebastian), pintxos of all types and colors, restaurants both traditional and [...]
Un mar de dificultades Parte del futuro del puerto pesquero está en manos de jóvenes como Iñaki Alberdi, un arrantzale que sueña con comprar un barco e introducir novedades en el sector. No le [...]
Un mar de dificultades Parte del futuro del puerto pesquero está en manos de jóvenes como Iñaki Alberdi, un arrantzale que sueña con comprar un barco e introducir novedades en el sector. No le [...]
En esta epoca del año que las aguas empiezan a calentar , los xabirones o peces araña nos visitan, su voracidad es increíble , hasta el punto de morder dos peces a una misma potera….en cacea . [...]
What better to start the day breathing the health of the sea, an idyllic dawn, rocks of Aia sighting both parts of our Basque country, as the echoes of the bustle of the city begin to emerge, the [...]
Salidas en barco con patrón profesional de pesca y pasajeros desde el mismo puerto de San Sebastián , con las ultimas técnicas en señuelos japoneses, finlandeses y norte-americanos .Todo [...]
The summer, is the perfect time to enjoy the big and small marine mammals in the bay of Vizcay .The different dolphins and the wales are looking for the big shoals with sardine,anchovy, fly-crabs [...]
To measure the health of our seas we rely on the marine fauna and flora of the area. This year there is a relatively good expectation, the recovery of the Anxoa with its good catch by the fleet [...]
To measure the health of our seas we rely on the marine fauna and flora of the area. This year there is a relatively good expectation, the recovery of the Anxoa with its good catch by the fleet [...]
Oribay.tours offers guided boat trips adapted to the participants’ concerns and experience, always in a way that is both easy , fun and safe. Always from the experience and looking at the [...]