Trollers and sprayers in Hondarribia
The port of Hondarribi exudes life in the tunid season, specialists in the “egalmotxa” or “cimarron” the “bikings” have always been associated with fishing for large tunids.
The “sabakos” as they locally call the big boats to move to the chains of the ardora boats, which in spring fished the anchovy and the verdel already have their nurseries ready, the small hake or “legaketariak” their hunting rods ready for the “egaluxe” or bonito del norte.
In the nurseries the txirlos, pelikatos and parrotxas prepared to be used together with the txufarra spin, emulating the “irakina” boil that grass fish produces when it rises to the surface pushed by predators.
The barbalas and blankiras, along with the “tuna txori” called in Hondarribi “kasko beltza” point the fish into view, long before the sonar creaks like an old wooden sailboat.
The brojuas or zangas, are thrown taking advantage of the fact that the tuna stuns the small fish. On deck, the “istripu” or stocks for large fish, ready krokas and tranpolines ready for the large pieces for which the Hondarribitarras are famous, are prepared, three-digit tuna.
On the other hand, looking for the “zeria” or rokual, the maloteros, with the trolling technique, fishing for bonito, after a winter fishing with rods in Eskote, Erreka, Amiao and the bordering coves of the barrel, plays the hour to fill the “antoparrak” or guardrails of large long-winged fish, still making the gazas or as they say here “Ulluak” for the malotes or lures of bonito.
When the refrigerators close after the sunset fishing, the crew goes to the “kamaña” and the “txo” the youngest of the boat, sees from the bow absorbed the “arrai sua” or fish fire, the phosphorescence that the caught at night, thinking about how well the “lagunak” of his crew will be spending at the Oiartzun festivities …. while the “Sota-patron” passes the party to the house crew through the secraphone and hopes that at dawn stop fill what they lack in the fridge and I can return as soon as possible to see the children, who grow faster every summer.